Sunday, February 12, 2017

A few updates

Got this in the mail the other day...the document that says Eliyas--well, Getabalew--is a US citizen.  He was a citizen when they stamped his documents at Passport Control in Seattle upon arrival, but at 6:30 AM, after 26 hours of traveling, we didn't do a ton of celebrating.  Still some court appearances to do here, but he's a citizen!

Clowning around...instead of practicing piano, I think.

We had a snow day Monday, so we walked over to the neighborhood Starbucks knockoff...played a little UNO.  I think Eliyas won each hand.  I hadn't thought you could be "good" at UNO...but he has caused me to revise my thinking on that.

Sandy took the boys and a friend to the zoo yesterday.

A few of you have asked how things are going.  Overall, quite well.  Maybe you can see that Eliyas has what we call in our house a "big personality."  We've thought a lot about such things because Peter does, too.  And for the most part those two bignesses work out pretty well.  They really enjoy each other.  Once in a while there are brother spats.

And I'm not deluding myself that everything is all set and just fine now.  But so far, things have gone better than I had dared hope.

Eliyas is doing nicely fitting in at school, learning English by intensive immersion.  He understands a lot and speaks some.  He's social, like Peter, so we have barely slowed down on doing hospitality and having their friends over.  Well, more often Peter's friends and Eliyas just joins right in.

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